"Finnish pianist Jouni Somero is a pianistic powerhouse" MusicWeb international 2012 "This is the most attractive one I have heard so far." (Tchaikowsky Complete Piano Works) "The set (Bortkiewicz Complete Piano Works) shows off the interpretive and technical abilities of the pianist, and Somero does a magnificent job with them." " Finnish pianist Somero is a big man, has a big technique, a big repertory, and performs mostly big works on the fringe of the repertory" Dazzling and Muscular Performances of Godard's Best Piano Music. "Jouni Someron aktiivinen ja uuttera toiminta suomalaisen pianomusiikin esille saattamiseksi on hatunnoston arvoinen asia. Jo kolminumeroisissa lukemissa pyörivä julkaisujen määrä puhuu omaa varmaa kieltään: kukaan ei ole kuin Somero!." Yle 1 Uudet levyt 8.5.2018 "Jouni Somero soittaa miellyttävällä herkän lämmön ja voimallisen juhlavuuden yhdistelmällä ja tuo Kuulan kuulijan iholle." "I find Somero more authoritative in his interpretation, he puts greater weight behind the quicker and more forceful Preludes, while having a more delicate touch in the quieter, more introspective ones". "Der finnische Pianist mit einem Faible für russische Spätromantik kann einmal mehr überzeugend darlegen, dass in ihm eine russische Seele wohnt." César Cui 25 Preludes op.64 "Somero plays sensitively and with beautiful clarity." (The Golden Age of Pianist Composers, Grand Piano) Someron Brahms vyöryy tunteella Award-winning pianist Jouni Somero (b. 12.8.1963) is one of the most active performers among contemporary Finnish musicians – to date he has given over 3,400 concerts across the world. He began playing organ when he was eight years old, but switched to the piano at the age of twelve, studying in Switzerland and at the Music Academy, Cologne under Prof. Herbert Drechsel. He was also mentored by György Cziffra and Michael Ponti. From 1981 to 1989 Somero lived in Germany, working as an assistant at the Music Academy, Düsseldorf. From 1990 Somero has pursued a career solely as a concert pianist. His vast, critically acclaimed discography spans over 110 recordings for labels including Naxos, Grand Piano, Sony BMG, Jubal, MILS and FC-Records among others, and includes world premiere recordings of several piano works by Blumenfeld, Godard, Seeling and Reinhold. Somero has also recorded the complete piano works of Bortkiewicz, Tchaikovsky, and Kuula, as well as the complete piano and chamber music of Erkki Salmenhaara. In 2012, his album of works by Rebikov was named piano album of the year by Fanfare magazine. His wide repertoire includes seldom heard music by, among others, Alkan, Godowsky and Rubinstein. He has also made several piano arrangements of orchestral, operatic and pop music, and his YouTube channel has garnered millions of views. ![]() Mukana on alkuperäisteoksia, kuten Beethovenin "Pateettisen" sonaatin sävykkäästi soitettu hidas osa, Rahmaninovin kaksi teosta, joista Es-duuri-preludi op. 23/6 on kuulunut aina minunkin suosikkeihini. Lisztin Des-duuri-Consolation tuo levyyn auvoa. Oskar Merikannon Valse lente puolustaa paikkaansa, kuten Godowskyn nostalginen Alt Wien ja Z. Fibichin unelmainen Poem. Sovitukset Bachin ja Händelin pikku kappaleista ovat jo vakiintuneita ylimääräisiä. Heino Kasken g-molli-Nocturne on mainio löytö.
Ehkä kuitenkin pari elokuvamusiikkia ovat levyn suola ja hunaja: Stanley Meyersin Cavatina Kauriinmetsästäjästä ja ennen muuta kuolematon Adagio Hatšaturjanin baletista Spartacus, joka on soinut allekirjoittaneenkin mielessä aina Merilinja-sarjan seuraamisesta lähtien. Sovitus on loistava, ja Somero soittaa sen draaman kaarta hienosti kannatellen ja vie kuulijansa euforiaan.
Levyn kappalevalikoima on Jouni Someron uralla muokkaantunut omakohtainen kokoelma kappaleita, joihin hänellä on läheinen suhde. Siten valikoiman suhteen ei liene ulkopuolisella nokan koputtamista. Hitaita tunnelmapaloja olisi löytynyt taatusti moninkertainen määrä, vaikkapa Schumannin Träumerei, joitakin osumia Griegin, Tšaikovskin ja Debussyn tuotannosta. Mutta tämä on toki Someron lista!
Jouni Someron pianismi on herkistynyt tämän ohjelmiston parissa niin, että levy sopii rauhoittumisen, lepäämisen ja terapian välineeksi vähän itse kullekin. Muutamien kappaleiden tempot ovat totuttua verkkaisempia, mutta ehkä tämäkin piirre palvelee levyn tarkoitusta päästä irti nykyajan hektisyydestä ja tavoitella sen sijaan mielenrauhaa. Veijo Murtomäki 5.5.2024
Piano Works 1 "Jouni Somero handles those challenges with aplomb, delivering a terrific performance. I especially enjoyed his playing of the Finnish Lyrical Pieces. Being Finnish, Somero provides additional insight into this music, I think."WTJU 28.4.2021 "Throughout the disc the affection Somero has displayed for this music is unmistakable, and he has taken that one further stage by self-originated his recording sessions." David's Review Corner "Ahkerasti levyttävä ja konsertoiva "Jouni Somero on tulkinnassaan "Jouni Somero tekee Palmgren-sarjan
"Palmgrenin sisintä taitaa olla pohjoinen kaihomieli, mutta antautuessaan pianistiselle bravuurille hän on täysiverinen virtuoosi. Somero seuraa esimerkkiä komeilla tulkinnoilla Unkarilaisesta tanssista, kimmeltävästä Valssi-Kapriisista ja lisztiläistä demoniaa kipinöivästä Mefisto-valssista". Rondo Classic 29.1.2023 "Jouni Somero continues to impress me with his phenomenal technique. Palmgren was a great pianist - and a good deal of his music was written for performers at his level. Somero is egual to the task. Plus, he gives the smaller, slighter pieces egual attention. Simple though some may be, Somero's playing adds a bit of emotional weight." Charlottesville Classical 29.12.2022 "Jouni Somero is an exceptional performer. And so are his interpretations of his fellow countryman’s music. Somero plays with authority. He brings out the simple charms of Palmgren’s early works. And delivers his mature pieces with power and verve. "Palmgren will be a discovery for many music lovers" Crescendo June 2021 "Somero performs with superb expression and confidence." WTJU 3.8.2021 The performances by Finnish concert piano virtuoso, Jouni Somero are full of high energy, fine nuance, expression, a total understanding for the musical phrase; moreover, the demands of more virtuosic music as found in the Piano Sonata, a brilliantly conceived and exciting piece and full of bravura and panache, is easily fulfilled by Mr. Somero who has a brilliant piano technique; in fact, this sterling and exciting artist has over 100 discs which reflect his talents and gifts. Dennis E.Ferrara Amazon USA 18.5.2021 Jouni Somero's performances maintain the level he set with volume one. His playing is clean, accurate, and assured. He also has a deep understanding of Palmgren's music. His phrasing helps the listener follow Palmgren's motives as they overlap and transform.Carlottesville Classical 16.6.2022
Jouni Somero, piano
40 vuotta estradilla
40 Years Artist Celebration
40 vuotta estradilla
40 Years Artist Celebration